Church Central Office Sponsors The Q4 Unstuck Church Report

Dec 13, 2022

The Q4 Unstuck Church Report, which specifically examines financial and staffing issues, gave Church Central Office the honor of sharing some exclusive insights. Discover the trends in church giving and budgeting, staff hiring and turnover by diving into the statistics alongside Tony Morgan's own observations. The facts are also broken down in this study by church size.

Inside the report, Jeff shares insights and pro tips about:

  • Eliminating restricted giving
  • Giving cost of living adjustments as a one time bonus instead of dividing it out over the year
  • Assessing staff pay and retaining valued staff members

The report highlights the following:

  • Ministry Finances - Information about cash reserves, staffing budgets, and church giving - today and in the future.
  • Ministry Staffing - Data about church staffing levels, hiring, turnover, and other topics, both current and anticipated.
  • Staffing by Ministry - Facts on staffing ratios and jobs by ministry area (senior leadership, next-gen, worship, digital, etc.)
  • Data Summary by Size - This report offers a thorough breakdown of the data by church size (ranging from less than 200 to 1000+).

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